Wednesday, January 2, 2013

When Choices Hurt, Prayer Heals (Pray-Cana Post)

The upcoming anniversary of Roe v. Wade on January 22 puts abortion in the spotlight again.  But rarely do people make the argument that one way to reduce abortion is to support marriage.  Approximately 80 % of abortions are performed on unmarried women, according to U.S. Census statistics.  (  It's not that far of a jump to claim that one benefit of supporting marriage is that fewer women will seek abortion.

Chances are you know someone who has had an abortion, even if they've never told you about it.  Between 1973 and 2008, there were nearly 50 million legal abortions reported in the United States.  At current rates, one in ten American women will have an abortion by age 20; one in four will have an abortion by age 30; and three in ten will have an abortion by age 45.  Catholics are not exempt from these statistics.  Fully 28% of women obtaining abortions have identified themselves as Catholic.  (

It is undeniable that some women who have had abortions later regret their decision.  For this reason, the Church offers many healing ministries for those experiencing regret and sorrow as a result of their choice.  The Priests for Life, in particular, dedicate themselves to helping women and men who have been hurt by abortion.  Fr. Frank Pavone of the Priests for Life wrote the following prayer for those suffering from such a loss.

Prayer for Those Who Have Lost a Child to Abortion
by Fr. Frank Pavone
Lord of all Life,
You have entrusted us to the care of one another,
And called us to be one Body in Christ.
You call us to rejoice with those who rejoice,
And to weep with those who weep.
Hear our prayer today
For our brothers and sisters who have lost children to abortion.
Help us to understand
The pain that is in their hearts,
And to be a living sign to them
Of your welcome, your mercy, and your healing.
Help them to undergo with courage
The process of grief and the journey of healing.
Never allow them to feel alone;
Always refresh them with the presence of Your Spirit
And of their brothers and sisters in Christ.
Console them with the sure hope
That you love and care for their children.
Give them new strength,
That even while they grieve what they have lost,
They may look forward to all the good
That you still have in store for them.
Lord of healing and hope,
Give us all the forgiveness of our sins
And the joy of your salvation.
We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.  Amen.

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