Monday, August 3, 2015

HUGE NEWS: Chris West Will Write the Foreword to Our Marriage Advice Book!

Many of you have patiently followed the saga of our Catholic marriage advice book through the stages of proposal, publishing contract, and editing.  Over the summer, we found out our title:

The Four Keys to Everlasting Love:
How Your Catholic Marriage Can
Bring You Joy for a Lifetime

And.... we found out that Christopher West had agreed to write the foreword!!!! In every informal poll we conducted on social media, when we asked who would be the BEST person to write a foreword to a Catholic marriage advice book, you overwhelmingly responded, "Chris West."

As many of you know, Chris is a best selling author, speaker, teacher and world-renowned expert in John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. Chris' book Good News about Sex and Marriage, published for the first time in 2000, is still one of the most popular Catholic marriage advice books on the market. His pre-Cana program God's Plan for a Joy-filled Marriage is used for marriage preparation in dioceses across the country.

Chris' latest book, Fill These Hearts, was released in 2013. From my review:

A recurring theme of Fill These Hearts is that we must learn to aim our desire according to God's design so that we can arrive at our destiny. Our destiny is to be totally united in bliss with Our Lord and Savior forever in heaven. "These heavenly nuptials are what we long for (desire); they're what we're created for (design); and they're what we're headed for (destiny)," states West.

We are beyond thrilled that he is writing the foreword to our book!

And here's more about our book from the publisher Ave Maria Press:

The Four Keys to Everlasting Love offers a warm catechesis that illustrates how God’s plan for marriage can turn self-centered individuals into a united couple capable of experiencing deep, lasting, and soul-satisfying love in their everyday lives. The Four Keys to Everlasting Love shows how the intentional practice of Biblical principles in key areas of life can inspire couples to stay in love with each other, in love with Christ, and in love with the wisdom of the Catholic Church.

In addressing universal issues like sex, money, health, child-rearing, in-laws, and work-life balance, this book incorporates examples drawn from Dr. Manuel Santos’ psychiatric practice, as well as shared stories from the authors’ family life. The philosophy of Pope St. John Paul II played a powerful role in shaping the contours of the book, which explores the sacramentality of marriage contained in the late pope’s Theology of the Body and his encyclicals on family life (Familiaris Consortio; Gratissimam Sane), sexuality (Evangelium Vitae), and work (Laborem Exercens).

Direct, informative, helpful, and encouraging, this book celebrates the gift of our Catholic faith without downplaying the difficulties we face in living in a world that no longer seems to believe in the permanence of marriage or the value of trusting in God’s will for us. This book does not adopt a one-size-fits-all spirituality.  It is distinctively and joyfully Catholic.


  1. I am so excited for you! We need more people out there teaching about marriage, because the World is Not Getting It Right at the moment. I hope your book will sell very well and be a blessing to many.

    1. Thank you so much, Nissa, and pleased to meet you! Looks like we have a mutual connection in Karina Fabian!


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  2. Woop woop!! Can't wait to read what he has to say!

  3. Congratulations! I so look forward to reading this beautiful gift to married couples.

  4. So happy to know that Chris West is going to write the foreword! I had read his book Fill These Hearts and it was a great read. I recently came across a free ebook about how to communicate well and effectively in a marriage, how to solve conflicts and negotiate, what's the safest way to solve problems, etc. I found it very useful and it's at

    1. Thanks for commenting, Evi! I really enjoyed Fill These Hearts, too.
